Edit Phone Number Settings
Update the details of a specific phone number
Your API key, e.g. caldLiveDe39a3accb206dd615f30d118e519df0
Path Parameters
The phone number ID of the phone number
The agent ID of the agent to use when an inbound call is received on the phone number. If not specified, the agent will be removed from the phone number and no agent will be used when an inbound call is received - this is useful if you want to use the phone number for outbound calls only and don't want to receive/incur charges for inbound calls
The agent ID of the agent that the phone number is assigned to. When making inbound calls, the agent will be called.
The phone number, prefixed with the country code, for example, +1558873402
The phone number ID of the phone number resource
The monthly price of the phone number in USD